this no pajama mama loves tote bags!

Tote bags are my go to mom purse when I’m not hauling around the diaper bag. Slinging over my shoulder, hands are free to guide (okay- coerce) my children along. The sizeable nature of tote bags also enable me to carry everything I need for the day, and all of the toddler stuff I somehow accrue in my role as mom / mule / garbage collector. The lovely large purses are the perfect bag for the fashionable mom that understands everything is in the accessories.

Here are some of my favorite tote bags on the market. There’s a solid chance the inside will be a mishmash by the end of the day, but hot damn, you’re owning the stylish mom vibe on the outside!

Read our Mom Bag Guide for tips on maximizing your mom tote!


the mom bag: a guide to the perfect purse for motherhood


hello, no pajama mamas!