Statement Studs! Fabulous Baby Proof(ish) Earring Finds Under $50

I’m a jewelry junkie, I just can’t get enough. My addiction of choice? Earrings. I just love how earrings frame your face and add brightness, sparkle, color- fun! Dramatic dangling diamonds, bold glittering hoops, shoulder skimming fringe- you name, it, I own it.

Small problem. Small person.

Babies have ninja moves and an unbreakable fascination with mom’s earrings.

On the occasion I have opted to rock a wildly impractical indisputably fabulous set of earrings, I have often been met with a pudgy handed yank letting me know that the earrings weren’t my smartest jewelry decision to date. Best case, they knock it out of your ear and you’re scrambling to pick it up while holding a baby and a million pound diaper bag. Worst case, you’re a bloody mess. No one ever promised fashion is comfort, and I am okay with that. But an ER visit to get my ear stitched back up might be pushing it even for me.

In the interest of maintaining an intact earlobe, it might be wise to rethink your earring game until baby is out of the grab and yank phase. If that is too aggressive, at least give it a second thought on days when you know you will be care giving heavy.

Great news. Less earring doesn’t have to mean less look! Designers are creative out there, and you can find edgy, flirty, fun- whatever mom mood you’re in- statement stud earrings. Baby may reach and baby may grab for your fabulous earrings still (I mean can you blame them, really?)- but they are going to have a significantly harder time getting a good grip and creating havoc than they would with a hoop.

So what am I looking for in my baby proof-ish statement stud earrings?

Well, Statement! Even the most no-pajama-y mama has days where the energy (or clean laundry) just isn’t available to pull together a show stopping outfit. Those are the days accessories are your best friend. Throw on a pair of glittering crystal clusters, and you’ve just elevated your basic black tee and denim cutoffs to effortless chic.

Affordable! I don’t know about yours, but my kids get into things. Pretty much everything that I don’t want them to get into actually, it’s a remarkable talent. So, the less devastated I am if something goes missing and winds up in the vacuum cleaner, the better.

And, of course, On Trend. The season’s jewelry trends are on fire this summer. While not every trend makes sense in a stud earring, plenty do! Key fashion trends to look for include: Pearls, Color, Bold Golds, and sparkling Diamonds!

I have featured some of my favorite fashion earring finds below. All styles $50 and under! Happy shopping No Pajama Mamas!

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